Full text: General reports (Part 2)

yy the The time used for orientation and measurement was given by most participators. These means were cal- 
cially culated and brought together in the following table. 
Number of Time for 
Strip : = 
and | orientation | measurement 
model models points of one of one 
model point 
I A 8 492 176 min 5.8 min 
B 8 528 211 » 5.6. » 
A--B | 16 | 1 020 194 min 5.7 min 
II A 13 964 201 min 5.0 min 
B 12 761 214 » 5.6 » 
A--B | 25 | 1 725 208 min | 5.3 min 
III À 9 836 416 min 4.0 min 
B 9 800 307 » 42 » 
A+B | 18 | 1636 406 min | 4.1 min 
4.3 The photogrammetric centres, participating in the experiment work Monti di Revóira, appear from the 
Háürrv following table. 
id. the Abbreviations: A and B models. Compensating device for distortion — d. Automatic coordinate registra- 
ntact- tion r. 
is Strip | Coord. 
Participator E 
order I Il IH | reg. 
yy the | 
strip, Mr. T. J. Blachut, National Research Council, Ontario, A d - | 
: Canada B d | 
ints». Dr. V. Erola, Maanmittaushallitus, Helsinki, Suomi o A | 
; with ; i. : T. 2:313 B | 
Dipl. Ing. Lasse Kivekäs, Imatra Voima Oy Helsinki, Ad - | 
good Suomi B d | 
inter- Doktor Walter Brucklacher, Zeiss-Aerotopograph, A d | r 
München, Deutschland Bad 4 r 
Prof. Rudolf Fórstner, Institut für Angewandte A d A d r 
Geodäsie, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland B d B d r 
e and Prof. H. Gotthardt, Technische Hochschule Stuttgart, A d A d r 
Deutschland B d B d r 
| Were (2 measurements in stereoutograph) A A 
(201—202 — measurements in stereocomparator) B B 
Prof. G. Lehmann, Institut für Photogrammetrie der A d A d r 
Technischen Hochschule, Hannover, Deutschland B d B d r 
Prof. Móhle, Institut für Photogrammetrie der A d 
Universität Bonn, Deutschland B d 
Oberreg. verm. rat Schirmer, Ministerium für Land- A d 
wirtschaft, Weinbau und Forsten, Mainz, Deutsch- B d 
Dipl.-Ing. Winkelmann, Aero Exploration, Frankfurt A 
am Main, Deutschland B 
Fotogrammetrische dienst van het Kadaster, Ad 
The Hague, Holland B d 
Ir C. M. A. van den Hout, Ministry of Public Works, A d A d A d 
Delft, Holland B d B d B d 
ITC Delft, Nederland A d A d | 
Bd Bd | 
Mr. Hollan Hagen, Wideroes Flyveselskap. Oslo, Norge Ad A d 
B d B d 
Prof. Walclaw Sztompke, Politeknika Warszawska 
Katedra Fotogrammetrii, Poland B 
Byrichef Lennart Ekelund, Rikets allmänna kartverk. A 
Stockholm, Sweden B 
Prof. Bertil Hallert, Tekniska Hogskolan, Stockholm, A A 
Sweden B 
Byradir. Sven G. Maller, Lantmäteristyrelsen, A 
Stockholm, Sweden B 
Lantmiitare Einar Rehnlund, Vattenfallsstvrelsen, A 
Villingby, Sweden B 
Dipl. Ing. ETH und Grundbuchgeometer A d r 
large Karl Weissmann, Zürich, Schweiz B d 
in the A d r 
1 vere Prof. A. Brandenberger, Institute of Photogrammetry A 
and Cartography, The Ohio State University, U.S.A. B 

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