Full text: General reports (Part 2)

of the The test-field Monti di Revöira 
EDB. d 
| Strip II 
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[Model B . * B18 + A "op A A . 1 „Model A \ ‚ 
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/ e : di : \ . \ 
/ ® li ^ . \ : : \ 
axis à l e e : \ . e e \ 
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— — — model limit 
7^1 € 
: v oO 
€ pass-points Scale Fig. 2 
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 990 1000 mete 
. check- points 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 yards 
5.8 The means and the standard deviations of the total errors were calculated, but also the weighted qua- 
dratic means for the A-models, the B-models and all the models for each strip. 
For every model were also calculated the quadratic mean of the residual errors of the passpoints. All these 
values were indicated in the tables 1: I—III together with the maximum residual errors. Some of the cor- 
responding values for the stereocomparator were given in the tables 12 5 and 12 T. 
5.4 The total errors were also the object of a regression analysis according to the following function. 
Fx (XYZ) = by + b4X + b,Y + byZ + b,XY + b;XZ + bgYZ + b;X2 + bgY? + byZ2 and the corresponding 
functions Fy (XYZ) and Fz (XYZ). 
The horizontal distances were analyzed according to the following functions of the axis projections of dis- 
lance FLA. B (X ,Y, Z) and FLA. (X, Y, Z). 
The resulting tables: 2: I—III of coefficients, multiple correlation ceofficients and variances of the residuals 
check- i d : 
were filed at the Central Office in Stockholm and will not be reproduced here. 
; 6. The analysis of error. 
ing to J 
(La. 6.0 The following types of error will be studied, viz, gross errors, constant errors, systematic (other than 
nstant constant) errors, random errors and total or combined errors. The study will include errors within single 
+ three models as well as between models in a single strip. Our intention will be to determine the accuracy of a 
photogrammetric production with first order stereoautographs, equal photography, identical diapositives, 

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