Full text: General reports (Part 2)

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li H Fig. 6. Error distribution of strip III: Camera 2 X RMK 21/18 cm. 
TN Picture scale 1 : 6 200—1 : 8 100. The | 
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ah Tabl. 5. The frequency of gross errors of checkpoints. 
| 1 | Strip Numb. Gross errors — 0 Gross errors > 0 
m and meas. X Y | Z X | Y | Z 
iB model points a ; : : : ; 
T Numb.| 94 Numb.| % |Numb.| % [Numb.| % |Numb. | 9% Numb. | 9% 
IA 554 21 3.8 13 2.3 10 1.8 22 4.0 25 4.5 7 1.3 
1 B 595 8 1.3 14 2.4 29 4.9 18 3.0 11 1.8 12 2.0 
A IL A 1222 53 4.3 37 3.0 19 1.6 40 3.3 54 4.4 24 2.0 
i B 963 7 0.7 13 1.3 38 3.9 21 2.2 22 2.3 9 0.9 
al III A 940 29 3.1 27 2.9 23 2.4 18 1.9 18 1.9 19 2.0 
4 B 900 24 2.7 21 2.3 9 1.0 23 2.6 23 2.6 14 1.6 
I6 Sum. 5174 | 142 125 128 142 153 85 
E. i Together 775 gross errors of 15 522 coordinates. That means 4.99 9% gross errors. 
T || Compare 1 888 erroneous points of 27 411 measured ones at the photogrammetric test Oberriet by the 
| H | O.E.E.P.E. That is 6.9 */o errors. 
x The frequency of gross errors thus became about 5 9/o. Anticipating the gross errors to be binomially distri- 
|] buted the frequencies of gross errors for samples of different sizes were calculated at the significance le- 
'* 1l vel 0.1%, 
E Al 
{ | Number of individuals in a samle | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30 | he 
j E | The probability for exceeding the following Z, La 
i | number of gross errors in the sample is 0.001| 3 4 5 7 
DL. | 6.23 
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| The cause of the gross errors could be studied only very little. Usual error sources seemed to be mistakes the t 
ri at dictation, listening and reading of figures, mistakes at the calculation of means, wrong height scale in 
P1] the stereoautograph and wrongly identified points of models. But also other error sources might be there. The 
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