| Table I lists the field survey methods used in the determination of ground
É control points and the accuracy required in this work. Some countries may have
/ regions in varying stages of development for which accuracy specifications are
different. Further, the density of ground control for the basic map scales of
i 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 varies greatly and ranges from several points ineach stereo-
pair to only one point in several overlaps. To the first category belong European
countries that are covered by dense third- and fourth-order triangulation nets.
sien a
i Table I
|| Cosi Publication 5 ; ; Tolerance,
| li ountry scale ype of ground contro tü
| I Belgium 1: 15,000 Triangulation and closed traverses +1.0
1] 1: 25,000 Levelling and trigonometric elevations +0.3
j (Congo) 1:100, 000 Triangulation *2.0
1 1:200, 000 Trigonometric elevations +1.0
i Barometric elevations £5 to 17
i (Congo) 1: 20,000 Triangulation +1.0
d Trigonometric elevations 10.5
il England Fk» i255, 000 TfiangWffati etri e ions -
| 1: 50,000 " b = a
| barometric elev -
Finland 1: 20,000 Triangulation 10.3
Traverses $3.0
| Levelling *0.1
| | Barometric elevations +1, 0
1 n 1:"20,000 (Planimetric points as above)
A E 1250, 000 |
-H I 1:100,000 Trigonometric elevations 30.3
n. | France 1: 20,000 Triangulation 2.0
EN Trigonometric elevations 0,3
| | 1: 50,000 Astronomical determinations 50.0
I Barometric elevations 3.0
i li 1:100, 000 Trigonometric points 4.0
: 1 | Trigonometric elevations 2,0
HI 1:200, 000 Astronomical determinations 50.0
EHI Radar altimeter 3.0
3 i Levelling 1.0
4 West 1: 25,000 Triangulation, traverses, etc. -
1 Germany