Full text: General reports (Part 2)

May, 1960 ExPERIMENTAL ProrriNG 141 
No. 14. Target No. 105. Intersection of road 
and laneway 
equipped with an Aviogon lens (f — 115 mm, 180 X 180 mm). These photographs 
were made on five different fligbt missions and two rolls of film were used, so that each 
of the five sets of stereopairs could be considered to have been taken under different 
In the spring of 1959 a few more stereopairs were taken over the Renfrew test 
area with a superwide-ange camera (Wild Super-Aviogon, f — 88 mm, 230 X 230 mm). 
One pair of diapositives from these photographs was sent to participants requesting it. 
Following is the list of participants arranged in alphabetical order by countries: 
Burma Burma Survey Dept., Rangoon. 
Canada Dept. of Agriculture, Regina. 
Army Survey Establishment, Ottawa. 
Canadian Aero Service Ltd., Ottawa. 
National Research Council, Ottawa. 
Topographical Survey, Ottawa. 
England Directorate of Military Survey, London. 
Finland | Imatran Voima Osakeyhtio, Helsinki. 
France Société Frangaise de Stéréotopographie, Paris. 
Germany Geoditisches Institut der Technischen Hochschule, Aachen. 
Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie, Frankfurt am Main. 
Institut für Photogrammetrie, Topographie und Allgemeine 
Kartographie, Technische Hochschule, München. 
Israel State of Israel Dept. of Surveys, Tel-Aviv. 
India Survey of India, Dehra Dun. 
Poland Instytut Geodezji i Kartografii, Warszawa. 
South Africa University of Natal, Durban. 
Trigonometrical Survey, Mowbray. 
Sweden Rikets Allmänna Kartverk, Stockholm. 
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 
Switzerland Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. 

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