camera or for c = 150 mm.
1.12. Grid measurements.
The machine coordinates of the grid are measured according to the direc-
tions from Commission IV:4 ISP, see fig. 2 and 3.
1.13. Radial distortion.
To compute the radial distortion we use the expression dz from the nor-
mal equations for base zero for combinations of thirteen and five points,
base in/out eight and four points, see fig. 2 and 3. Then we have
(9) dr = Ÿ dz,
where dr is the radial distortion in the grid plane, r the radius and h the
distance between the perspective center and the projection plane.
For base zero we get for thirteen points
(10) dri2^ 50
and for five points
(11) dr. = -
g =
4\ 2
where the symbols have the following definitions
12) Nız = 3dx)92 * 46x03 * 56104 + 40X105 * 30% 106 301087
-4dx,99- 5dxjj9- 4dx,,,- 3dx4145- 5dyj,g1- 4dyıo2- 3dY105*
Sdy195* 44y106t °9Y107t 49Y108t 2 dy,99- 3dy,,,- 4dy,,;
(13) Ng =. dx, +dx, +dx, -dx, -dy, -dy, +dy, +dy,
n- 1,2,3,4,5 according to the radius.
For base in/out eight points
(14) drg = 0