The definition of the symbol is
(15) Ng = 134dx, (145351 100dx, r4dx, F54dx , -375dy, ] -Tedy,, t
t3dy45 -3dygz t 12dy , 9,4 *375dy,,
The upper sign relates to the left projector, base in - right projector,
base out. The lower sign relates to the left projector, base out - right
projector, base in.
For four points
(16) dr = —
(17) N,--dy,*dy,
where n and m take the indices in accordance with the table below depend -
ing on radius
n 51/41 31 21 11
m 71 81 91101111
14 Standard error of unit weight.
From the normal equations the square sum [vv] is found.
We get for base zero and thirteen points
2 2
2 2 N, +N
(18) [vv] = [dxdx] + [dydy] - io li. = gos -
(13 N, * 150 [dx])^ & (13 N, - 150 [dy])*
3 4
341 250
where the symbols have the following definitions
-3dx -4dx -
(19) N, = 3dx,..+4dx 4*5dx 9 4*4dx 95 *3dx i9, 108 109
1 102 10 104 105
-9dx, 1g 14x 11 36x 45 -5dy , 9, -4dy , 9, - 3dy | 9, *3dy |.
t4dy o6t59Y,07*4dÿ, ogt3dY, 09-3941 1 1 -4€Y1 1 2