Full text: General reports (Part 2)

> Ca INN RES m XS = A 
. HMM - EE à cce i 9!]}BS'nBDLU d1 
RR SL Emm Sa SEE = d - — - = — - s 2 = x 
For base in/out we get | 
2 2 
(24) [vv]= [dxdx] + [dydy] - [dx] + [dy] 
(8N, + 19 [dx])” + (8N, F 19 [dy])? 
| ; 2 
(1039N,+4100[dx] F2375N,)” (1039N,-17500[dy] +1900N,) 
1039 - 512500 1039 - 847500 
where the symbols are defined as follows 
(25) N; = H3dx, íT dx, 15dx o F4dx,  F3dx 4 -5dy, | -4dy, , -3dy, + 
+3dyost#dy, 04+5dy, 1 1 
(26) N, 5dx, j-4dx, ,-3dx,„+3dxo +4dx, +5dx | 43dy24f4dy,,+ 
15dy,et4dyo5+3dy 94 
(2) N, = -9dx., ,- l6dx,, -25dx, , - lódx,. -9dx 9 ,*12dy, ,12dy, + 
(28) N, = t12dx,,t12dx, T12dx,312dx, ,+25dy | | +16dy, ,+9dy,, + 
t9dyggtledy,,+25dy,  , 
and as above the upper sign relates to the left projector, base in = right 
projector, base out, the lower sign relates to the left projektor, base 
out = right projector, base in. 
The standard error of unit weight is 
(29) s - [vv]

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