Full text: General reports (Part 2)

The standard error of the standard error of unit weight is 
(29a) 80710122 s 
0 0 
The confidence limit are 
for the confidence level 5 per cent: 0.7 Sg = 1.8 Sp 
1 "n 1" nn 1 per cent: 0.6 59 - 2.2 So 
1.15 Residual coordinate corrections. 
From the solution of the normal equations we find the errors of the 
elements of the exterior orientation, expressed as direct functions of the 
coordinate errors dx and dy. After inserting these orientation errors 
into the original equations (3) and (4) and after applying these to arbitrary 
points, the residual corrections in these points are determined. These 
corrections also contain the radial distortion amounts. For the computa- 
tion of the root mean square values of the (irregular) residual corrections 
the influence of the determined radial distortion is first corrected for. 

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