Full text: General reports (Part 2)

24: Instrument CB. --15900 mm Ir 
Standard error Mean square value 
of unit weight Base 
: : Instr. . Pro- B | 
Organization Date Nr jector zero out in x Zero y eut y xi^ y | Q 
1 TAR OR i eu. .9 0 41 0» 3 
Techn.Univ. 02.02.59 LP |10 7 Ir 
Berlin 02.02.59 RP!9 7.8 | (Wa! 
Distortion au 
eem 150", 
RE “3 
1 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 — 12€ 13 
| | | E rr 
Lantm.styr. 1.045971009 LP 5 10. 8 8.5 l 
| T 
Helsingfors 11.04.59. 71009 RP|5 7|5 wd 
„gPistortion /^ 
tO l es, l 190 mm 
1 Li 4 5 7 10-11. 124 42 "I 
Lantm.styr. j12.065971009| LP | 10 771.9 l 
Helsingfors 2065971009, RP | 8 | 8/6 E i 
Distortion ,u | 
iam Void 150 , 
ge r mm 
E i 

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