Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Formulas: ;andi} illustrating .examples" for y- 
parallax tests of photogrammetric models. 
Adjustment of the relative orientation in models of approximately 
vertical photographs of rugged ground.  y-parallax measurements 
in nine points. Dependent pairs of photographs. 
According to Ottoson the following corrections to the elements of the relati- 
ve orientation can be derived. The formulas are applied to the autograph AT. 
The notations refer to fig. 3 of the report. 
“À (2S-3A) 
dbyz = Tg(P15-5Po5tP, 1-5P91 P19-5Pg9-2P51-2P59-2P55) + —77— de, 
= | A 
dk) = 3p(-P,5tPg5-P, 1 *P91-P19tP99) * 3p de; 
1TH B 
dbz, - Tzy(-P 1 *5P91*P19-5Pgg*2P5 j-2P59) - Jy de, 
- C 
dp, = $pk-P11*P91*P19-P99) * zpx de? 
6(qt * ru + sv) + ad + be + cf 
6^7 é à à à 
do = 7 
tu +v )+d'+e +f 
In these expressions the following definitions are used 
(Ls iex") z.= the flying altitude on the proper scale 
A = Z157 Zggt L(z,,- Zt Z197 Zgq) 
B = L(-z +524, 219- >Zggt 22517 2254) 
S.= Zızt Zont 2..% 12,25: Brot Boat Zeit 2 
à = =P157Pg5-2P11"%Dg1 14051205 
B * -B15-Pyy~2P19-2Pgy+1Pygt2P;5; 
c = -Pı1 Poi*Pıig*Pogg*2P51-2P59 

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