Full text: General reports (Part 2)

5.2 Which tolerances are allowed in the orientation procedures and how 
are the discrepancies in various conditions (see below) measured 
and recorded? 
Are the checks made and recorded by supervisors or are they made 
by the operators only? 
5.21 The adjustment of the photographs in the projectors ? 
5.22 The relative orientation - the magnitude of the residual y-paral- 
laxes ? | 
Which are the consequences if the residual y-parallaxes exceed 
the tolerances ? 
5.23 The absolute orientation with redundant horizontal and vertical 
control points ? 
a) Numerical coordinate determination ? 
b) Graphical adjustment on the drawing table ? 
29 answers. 
In general there are no tolerances accounted for the adjustment of the dia- | 
positives in the projectors. In 2 cases a tolerance of 0.02 mm is given. 
In 17 cases the tolerance of the residual y-parallaxes is accounted to be 
0.01-0.04 mm. 
If the tolerances are exceeded, numerical adjustment is performed in 9 or 
15 points, new diapositives are made and if no improvement is found the 
photography is rejected. 
In 9 cases no tolerances for the relative orientation are given. 
In 15 cases the tolerance of the absolute orientation is accounted to be 
0.2-0.3 mm in planimetry on the map scale and 0.1-0.2 mm or 0.20-0.25 
9/oo of the flying heights in elevation for numerical orientation and half the 
drawing accuracy for planimetry and 0.20-0.25 9 /oo of the flying height or 
1/4 of the contour interval in elevation for graphical orientation. 
In 11 cases no tolerances for the absolute orientation are given. 
In 12 cases checks of the orientation procedure is performed by the super- 
visor continously or when the tolerances are exceeded. In other cases 
checks are performed by the operator only. 
5.3 How is numerical coordinate determination checked? 
Are there special rules for the readings of machine coordinates ? 
22 answers. 
In 4 cases no special rules for the checking are given. 
In general the coordinates are measured twice and three-times and the mean 
is used. The settings are made in one certain direction. 
Coordinate printers are used in 9 cases.

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