Full text: General reports (Part 2)

5.7 Which methods are applied for checks according to 5.6 and which 
are the tolerances ? 
12 answers. 
Ordinary geodetic methods as tachymeter measurements are mainly used 
for the field check. 
The only tolerances given by the answers are that the planimetric accuracy 
shall be within the drawing accuracy 0.2-0.5 mm on the mapping scale and 
that the elevation errors must not exceed 0.2 ?/oo of the flying altitude or 
that 85-95 per cent of checked points must not have larger errors than half 
the contour interval. 
6. Are other specifications desirable than those above ? 
3 answers. 
The three organizations are of the opinion that there is no need for further 
Acknowledgement: The detailed treatment of the answers was made by 
Mr E Rehnlund, Civil Engineer. 

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