based on existing forest maps, with or with-
out air cover.
Forest maps were prepared by the Arundel
method and Epidiascope, subsequently re-
placed by slotted and Harvard
Multiscope, when the latter became avail-
able. For forests of low potential value, type
boundaries were transferred by eye or by
Sketchmaster to semi-controlled photo-mo-
saics, to topographical one-mile-to-the-inch
sheets or to topographical 20 chain-to-one-
inch sheets.
Computation of the Timber volume was
based on the Hollerith system. Calculated re-
sults were given as volumes per plot and
average volume per acre for different tree
species and forest types. Standard Volume
Tables were used for this purpose. Additional
detail collected within plots during the survey
dealing with the occurrence of poles, seedlings
soil, fire and logging history etc.
lyzed and published later.
The total cost (apparently including aerial
photography) was on the average 7.8 d. per
acre or 13.5 d. per 1,000 cu. ft.
will be ana-
Recently the American Society of Photo-
grammetry succeeded in publishing the MAx-
Dr. D. A. N. Cromer
Timber Bureau
Mr. R. G. Miller
Overseas Surveys
Mr. H. Reichardt
ganization of UN
Prof. J. H. C. Smith
and the author of this report.
Recently this working party was enlarged
with a new member, whose name is:
Ing. VI. Cermak
publication can be considered as a counterpart
of the existing MANUAL OF PHOTOGRAM-
METRY, which has already been accepted as a
standard publication of International value.
FERPRETATION, Chap. VII deals with special
forestry problems. Taking into consideration
the impressive list of forestry experts, who
contributed to this chapter, no doubt can
exist of the outstanding value of this work.
After taking notice of the material treated,
be that the
problems discussed are mainly based on typi-
the impression, however, must
Division of Forest Management, Forest and
Forestry and Land Use Section, Directorate of
Forestry Division, Food and Agriculture Or-
The University of British Columbia, Fac. of
Czechoslovak Academy of Agric.
Sciences, Forest Research Inst.
cal American and Canadian conditions.
For countries where working conditions
are quite different or where the application of
aerial photography is in an early stage, the
value of this chapter seems rather limited. It
is also noted that the possibilities in the uses
of aerial photography within the tropics has
been omitted. Considering the fact that par-
ticularly in these regions the value of aerial
photography will certainly be increased in the
future, a general discussion of interpretation
problems in these regions would increase the
value of this publication.
Dealing with the possibilities of improving
International relations in the field of aerial
photography as applied to forestry, it will
perhaps be important to draw attention to
the following fact. Under the sponsorship of
the president of Section 25 of LU.F.R.O.
(Intern. Assoc. of Exp. Stations in Forestry),
a special working party has been established
"to study the use of aerial photographs in
forest inventories and to recommend standard
applications and techniques research in this
field." The working party is under the chair-
manship of Mr. R. C. Wilson, Forest Survey
Branch, Division of
search, U. S. Forest Service, Washington,
USA. The members who were asked to join
Forest Economics Re-
this working party are:
Canberra, Australia
Tolworth, Surbiton (Surrey)
Viale delle Terme di Cara-
calla, Rome
Vancouver 8, B.C., Canada
Michalska 24/11
The activity of the working party has so
far been concentrated on a tentative working
plan, drafted by the chairman and circulated
to members for comments. The object Is to
produce a final report to be submitted to the
chairman of Sect. 25 of the I.U.F.R.O. In this
report information and recommendations in
respect of the application of aerial photogra
phy will be given. Also a compilation or a
recommendation for compilation of an Inter-
photography in forest inventory will be in
national bibliography on the use of
cluded together with a glossary of technical