Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Colorimeter with color analyzer reflectance attachment 
Description: Inexpensive colorimeter with color analyzer reflectance 
attachment for measuring the spectral transmittance or reflectance 
characteristics of transparent or opaque materials. 
Photointerpretation application: For making spectral measurements to assist 
in selecting film filter combinations to provide best photographic 
differentiation between objects, and to assist in predicting image 
characteristics of objects photographed on black-and-white film. 
Remarks: Available commercially. 
Data storage and recall systems 
Description: Electronic systems for coding, miniaturizing, storing, recalling, 
duplicating, and displaying interpretive information on photographs. 
Photointerpretation application: Of importance in increasingly complex 
interpretive fields, such as military interpretation or terrain analysis 
interpretations wherein extensive background information and corollary 
information is needed in the interpretation process. (Roger Coakley, 
written communication, 1959.) 
Exaggerated profile plotter 
Description: A device for plotting profiles of surfaces with the vertical 
scale of the profile exaggerated with respect to the horizontal scale. 
Photointerpretation application: Primarily for landform studies concerned 
with associations of landforms and rock type or stage of geomorphic 
development. Also has use for photointerpretation studies relating to 
engineering problems. 
Remarks: Experimental only. (C. L. Pillmore, written communication, 1959.) 
Terrain analyzer 
Description: Portable (in the sense that it can be flown over an area) 
system of instruments to register and integrate various images of 
terrain so as to provide a quantitative measure of terrain as related 
to specific use, primarily military use. 
Photointerpretation application: For military terrain analysis, also 
applicable for other studies involving terrain analysis, such as 
geology, geomorphology, or land use studies. 
Remarks: Experimental only. (J. Van Lopik, written communication, 1959. ) 

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