Full text: General reports (Part 2)

Stereomicroscopes for high magnification 
viewing of aerial photographs 
Description: Stereomicroscopes modified to permit stereoscopic viewing 
of aerial photographs. Magnifications up to 30x are provided. 
Some models with zoom-type lens systems are available that provide 
a continuous range of magnification 7x through 30x. 
Photointerpretation application: Any interpretative study that would 
benefit from high magnification of stereoscopic images. 
Remarks: Available commercially. (R. T. Shone, written communication, 
1959. ) 
(next page) 
Figure 1. A single prism field stereoscope modified to include lenses 
for magnification of stereoscopic images. 
Figure 2. Stereoscope designed for viewing 9" x 9" or 9" x 18" uncut 
aerial photograph transparencies. 
Figure 3. A mount to raise two mirror stereoscopes and fix them in an 
oblique position for simultaneous viewing of the same pair 
of photographs. 
Figure 4. A mirror stereoscope modified so that the eye pieces may be 
moved to different positions between the wing mirrors. 
Figure 5. A scanning densitometer.

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