Full text: General reports (Part 2)

U.S.A. (USA). 
l. sept agences du gouvernement fédéral, dont: 
U.S. Geological Survey; 
Army Map Service; 
Air Force; 
Navy Hydrographic Office; 
Coast and Geodetic Survey; 
U.S. Forest Service. 
2. dix «local governmental state highway departments », dont un a Colombus (Ohio) et 
un a Richmond (Virginia). 
3. quarante-cinq firmes privées (5 grandes et 40 petites) dont : 
Abrams Aerial Survey Corporation; 
Aerial Surveys, Inc; 
Aero Service Corporation; 
Jack M. Ahearn; 
Air Survey Corporation; 
Alster and Associates, Inc; 
American Air Surveys, Inc; 
Jack Ammann Photogrammetric Engineers; Les 
Michael Baker Air Maps Inc; ques 
Robert A. Cummings and Associates; 
Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc; 
Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, Inc; 
International Aerial Mapping Company; 
Albert C. Jones Associates; 
Lockwood Kessler and Bartlett, Inc; 
Maddock and Associates Aerial Surveys, Inc; alph 
Maps, Incorporated; 
Pacific Air Industries; au T 
"ark Aerial Surveys, Inc; 
Pennsylvania Aerial Surveys, Inc; 
Photogrammetry, Inc; cents 
Photronix, Inc; 
Robinson Aerial Surveys; 
Sargent - Webster - Crenshaw and Folley; 
James W. Sewall Co; 
Sloan and Associates, Inc; 
R.M. Towill Corporation; 
United Aerial Mapping. 
l. Institut Géographique, Belgrade. 
2. Institut de la Photogrammeétrie, Belgrade. 
3. trois Etablissements Régionaux. 
4. Faculté technique, Zagreb. 

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