Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

The Member Organization of a country shall be its National Society for Photogram- 
metry, or in the absence of a National Society for Photogrammetry 
- an Association of societies each having the advancement of Photogrammetry as 
one of its principal objects, 
- or the principal Scientific Academy of that country or its National Research 
- or failing these and provisionally, any other Institution or Association of 
institutions whether governmental or non-governmental concerned with 
The admission of Members shall be governed by the rules laid down in the Statutes and 
Organization and Administration 
The Organs for the direction and management of the Society shall be as follows: 
- The General Assembly, 
- The Council, 
- The Congress. 
The General Assembly shall consist of the Delegates appointed by the Members to 
represent them, each Member being represented by one Delegate. 
Prior to every Congress and prior to every extraordinary meeting of the General 
Assembly each Member shall appoint one Delegate to represent it at the General 
Assembly. Such appointments shall have no permanency and shall be valid only for 
the duration of the Congress or of the extraordinary meeting. 
No Member of Council shall be appointed as a Delegate. 
Only Delegates, Members of Council, Members of the Financial Commission, 
Honorary Members of the Society, and two Advisers per Delegate shall have the right 
to attend the meeting of the General Assembly. 
The General Assembly shall be the supreme authority of the Society for all administra- 
tive and financial decisions. It shall determine the general policy of the Society. 
The President of the Society shall communicate to Congress in plenary session the 
decisions of the General Assembly taken at ordinary meetings and to the Members in 
writing the decisions taken at extraordinary meetings. 
The Council shall consist of six members, viz: 
- The President of the Society, 
- The Director of the Congress, 
- Two Vice-Presidents of the Society, 
- The Secretary-General, 
- The Treasurer. 
They shall be chosen in accordance with the rules therefor in the Statutes and 
Bye-Laws by the General Assembly meeting at the time of a Congress. They shall serve 
from the termination of the Congress at which they are appointed until the termina- 
tion of the Congress next ensuing. 
The Council shall conduct the affairs of the Society in the interval between meetings 
of the General Assembly in accordance with the Statutes and Bye-Laws and with the 
Decisions and Directives of the General Assembly and of Congress. 
Nature of the 
Member Organization 
General Assembly 

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