Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

Appointment of a 
Reservation of powers 
between meetings 
Plenary session 
Congress Committee 
Members responsible 
The Council shall be answerable before the General Assembly for its management of 
The Council shall attend in an advisory capacity all meetings of the General 
The Council shall assist the President to co-ordinate and watch over the activities of 
the Technical Commissions and shall maintain the Society in a state of continual 
scientific activity. 
In order to assist continuity the outgoing President shall be appointed one of the 
incoming Vice-Presidents as of right without election. Should he decline the office it 
shall be offered successively in the following order to 
- the outgoing Secretary-General, 
- the outgoing Vice-Presidents in turn, Past Presidents excepted 
- the outgoing Treasurer, 
- the outgoing Director of the Congress. 
Should all these decline the office it shall be filled by election. 
All other members of Council shall be elected by the General Assembly. 
A Vice-President who has been appointed to that office without election and the 
Director of the Congress may be of any nationality. Of the remaining members of the 
Council none shall be of the same nationality as any other one of themselves. 
No person shall hold the office of President for two consecutive terms of office. No 
person who has held the offices of President and Vice-President consecutively in that 
order shall be eligible for a further consecutive term of office as President. The choice 
of person to become President shall not otherwise be restricted by virtue of any other 
office in the Society that he holds or has held in the past. 
An outgoing member of Council shall not be eligible for election to any office on the 
incoming Council other than to that of President of the Society, Senior Vice-President 
or to that of Director of the Congress. After the lapse of one inter-congress period he 
shall again become eligible for the election to the Council. 
Between meetings of the General Assembly the Council may consult Members by 
correspondence or otherwise, but all questions relating to exclusion of a Member, 
lowering of the category in which a Member has joined, value of the Unit of 
contribution, alteration of the Statutes or Bye-Laws, and dissolution of the Society or 
its amalgamation with another international Organization must be referred to the 
General Assembly and decisions thereon shall be taken only by the General 
The Congress shall consist of all the Photogrammetrists who belong to a Member 
Organization and others who have been invited in accordance with the Bye-Laws. 
The Congress shall normally meet every four years. 
Congress shall be convened in plenary session at least once during the course of each 
Congress to hear the decisions taken by the General Assembly and to decide the 
scientific policies of the Society. 
The activities of the Congress shall be prepared and carried through by a Congress 
Committee. The Director of the Congress shall be proposed by the Member organizing 
the Congress and shall be elected by the General Assembly or, in certain cases, by 
postal voting by the Members of the Society. All other members of the Congress 
Committee shall be appointed by the Member organizing the Congress. The Congress 
Committee shall have the responsibility of organizing the Congress on the administra- 
tive and financial levels. The Director of the Congress shall be consulted in the 
preparation of the scientific programme and the Congress Committee shall provide the 
necessary facilities. 
The Technical Commissions are responsible for the scientific work of the Society; they 
shall report to the Congress in accordance with the various resolutions of the 
Responsibility for the work of each Technical Commission during the interval between 
two successive Congresses shall be entrusted by the General Assembly to one of the 

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