recherches vont des méthodes simplifiées de rédaction des cartes aux méthodes perfectionnées de restitution
et d'analyse des données par ordinateur. Certaines de ces méthodes sont maintenant universellement
Il y a également au Canada un trés grand nombre d'entreprises de levés aériens qui offrent leurs services
aux gouvernements provinciaux et municipaux ainsi qu'à l'industrie.
Topographic mapping and airborne geophysical prospecting are still extremely important activities for
Canada. The Surveys and Mapping Branch completed the mapping of Canada at a scale of 1:250,000 in
It has taken us only twenty (20) years to map this country at that scale and, considering the size of
Canada, this is quite an achievement. I must say, however, that without the help of modern photogrammetry
and new developments in cartography, it would have taken far longer to complete. The advances in these two
sciences have revolutionized map making to the point that we can now produce better maps faster and more
accurately than ever before.
It is also because of the new developments in the fields of photogrammetry and cartography that I am
able to announce today a new programme for the production of a National Atlas of Canada every ten
We intend to produce a very comprehensive Atlas of Canada covering the topography and geology, as
well as the human and economic geography of this country. Our purpose in doing so is to promote a deeper
knowledge of Canada by all our people; to promote a sense of national unity and identity, and a clearer image
of Canada abroad.
Few of us realize the necessity of having such an atlas. Urban planners, resource managers, engineers,
sociologists and scientists need to have access to up to date information in order to do their jobs. The Atlas will
answer this need. School children and educators should also make good use of the Atlas because it will contain
an extremely wide range of data on many aspects of Canadian life. Perhaps most importantly, an Atlas is an
effective way of showing the complex relationships between such factors as geography, population density and
growth, industrial growth, income and employment.
We can all appreciate that the production of an atlas as comprehensive as this one is an immense task
in itself. But itis made even more awesome when we consider that the data on human and economic geography
is constantly changing. At the same time, the number of people and functions requiring current information
is rapidly growing. For this reason, we have chosen a ten-year interval between editions of the Atlas so as to
coincide with the decennial census of Canada. In addition, individual sheets will be published throughout the
revision period to maintain the currency of rapidly changing data.
Certains des outils les plus récemment développés dans le domaine de la photogrammétrie sont en
montre ici au centre municipal. Le maire d'Ottawa, M. Pierre Benoit, présidera à l'ouverture de l'exposition
demain. La variété des piéces exposées témoigne de l'envergure de la recherche photogrammétrique, tout en
illustrant la nécessité d'établir la coopération entre gouvernements, industries et chercheurs individuels, car
chaque secteur peut profiter des connaissances de l'autre. Cette coopération déjà a permis de grandes
réalisations et j'espére qu'elle se poursuivra à l'avenir.
Finally, I wish you all success in your discussions in Ottawa. For the next two weeks, your ideas will be
studied and scrutinized; your many achievements will be judged and a part of your future will be plotted. I
would like to remind you that your meetings here will have a bearing on the future development of Canada
and many other nations. Above all, you as scientists and we as legislators must keep in mind that the future
cannot be like the past. We must plan in such a way that our development is orderly and compatible with
national goals and the interest of the people. This will require a more detailed knowledge than was necessary
in previous years, and it is up to you as photogrammetrists and scientists to provide us with the tools and the
information necessary to gain that knowledge.
Again, I welcome you all to Canada and hope that your stay here will be valuable to you and the nations
you represent.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Gamble: Unfortunately, the Honourable A.B.R. Lawrence, Minister of the Ontario Department of
Resources Development is ill this morning and will not be present. However, it is a fortunate circumstance that