at the time; also to Italy, in our position in a true international sense, to Italy for recognizing the potential of
my ideas early, and giving me a lot of encouragement and help since then; also to the United States, for
recognizing the potential of the principles of the analytical plotter, and for providing the ever-important
financial support without which any development of this scope might not materialize. Last, but not least, my
thanks to a person who actually forced me to write the initial patent application in 1956, - my wife. Thank you
Prof. Solaini: The second Award that the ISP has to assign is that named after Otto von Gruber, established
by Prof. Schermerhorn and meant to recognize the best published paper of the last four years. The jury was
formed, besides Prof. van der Weele, rector of the ITC, and myself, by Prof. Hofmann (West Germany) and
by Mr. Proctor (United Kingdom). There were four competitors, some of whom presented various works. The
first decision of the jury has been to consider not just a single paper, but the complex of the works which express
a contribution to a determined subject. Furthermore, since all the competitors have presented valid papers, and
during the past four years the prize has not been awarded, Prof. van der Weele, in agreement with Prof.
Schermerhorn, has accepted to assign two Awards. With unanimous votes by the jury, they have been assigned
to Dr. Heinrich Ebner of the University of Stuttgart, and to Dr. Joachim Hóhle, collaborator in the scientific
department of the Wild Company. Hearty congratulations to the two winners, and best wishes to other
scientists for the next four years.
Since Prof. Schermerhorn is unfortunately absent, Prof. van der Weele is very happy to present the
awards on his behalf. (Applause).
Prof. van der Weele: Thank you Mr. President. It is indeed a great pleasure for me to perform this task. I think
both of the candidates have fulfilled the requirements of the jury completely, and this is particularly so for Dr.
Ebner, who has continued, more or less, the work started about forty years ago by Professor von Gruber, who
published, in the first instance, problems of aerotriangulation, the combination of studies with background and
their applications, and this is in particular the contents of the last four or five papers of the work of Dr. Ebner.
I am very glad to be able to present him here the Award, and, in addition, this certificate stating that you have
been given this Award. (Applause).
Dr. Ebner: Thank you very much.
Prof. van der Weele: The second candidate, Dr. Hóhle, has been chosen because he has presented a Paper of
a rather fundamental nature about the multia-media photogrammetry. This is not a new subject; in fact, it has
been treated before, but he has treated it now in such a general and fundamental way, as far as the jury could
see, it could be the basis for future work for a number of special applications. Dr. Hóhle, it is a pleasure for
me to present to you these tokens. (Applause).
Dr. Hóhle: Thank you very much.
Dr. Ebner: Professor van der Weele, Professor Solaini, as long as I have worked in photogrammetry, the Otto
von Gruber Award, founded by Prof. Schermerhorn, was very desirous for me. In combination with my
research activity, I want to point our the favourable conditions at our Institute - the Institute of Prof.
Ackermann at Stuttgart - in particular, the very close collaboration with my friend, our mathematician, Mr.
Klein. I want to thank Prof. Ackermann very much for his promotion. I hope I have learned from him not only
photogrammetry but, in addition, something of his very general way of thinking. I want to point out, in
conclusion, that this Otto von Gruber Award is a very great honour for me, and, at the same time, an
incitement for further development and research activities. ( Applause).
Dr. Hóhle: The main thing I have done is to bring photogrammetry in as a method. Recently, I have devoted
considerable time to the study of underwater photography, and I enjoyed the work very much. However, the
important thing is that I wish to acknowledge the valuable assistance of many persons who contributed to my
work, mainly the Institute for Photogrammetry and, in particular, Prof. Schwidefsky, for which I am very
Prof. Solaini: Je suis parvenue, peut-être penserez-vous, finalement, à la conclusion de mon rapport. Je
m'excuse de vous avoir ennuyé, mais il était de mon devoir de vous renseigner sur l’activité du Conseil et sur
la vie de notre Société. Le Docteur Doyle va dissiper l’actuelle monotonie par son brillant exposé sur la
photogrammetrie dans l’espace.
Avant de terminer, permettez moi de vous dire deux mots sur les arguments principaux que nous
aborderons au cours du Congrès. Cette fois il n’y a pas dans la photogrammétrie de nouveautés sensationnelles,