Opening of the International Exhibition of Photogrammetry Ouverture
de l'Exposition Internationale de Photogrammétrie Eróffnung der
Internationalen Ausstelung für Photogrammetrie
Civic Centre and McElroy Building Tuesday, July 25 1972, 12:30
The exhibits were officially opened by His Worship Mayor Pierre Benoit, Mayor of Ottawa. The opening took
place at the entrance to the exhibits area, with a number of the officers of the LS.P. and guests in attendance.
His Worship addressed the gathering, and was subsequently thanked by Mr. R.P. Shaw, Chairman of the
Exhibits Committee. “On behalf of the City of Ottawa, I wish to express my pleasure in being asked to officially
open the exhibits at this International Congress. We are delighted to have this important function in our City,
and we welcome the many visitors who have come from some 57 countries. And now, with the cutting of this
ribbon, I officially declare the exhibits open.
by Mr. R.P. Shaw, Chairman, Exhibits Committee
In the tradition of other International Congresses of Photogrammetry, the XIIth has been greatly
enriched by the presence of the commercial and scientific exhibits. The magnificent display of equipment
depicted scientific. progress and *'state of the art” for examination by delegates from the four corners of the
earth. Truly, the whole world of photogrammetry was presented.
The members of the exhibits committee worked assiduously for four years. I cannot express adequately
my gratitude to them. They join with me in a feeling of pride in the success of the Ottawa Congress
The value of equipment was in the millions of dollars, and the cost to the exhibitors of transporting
equipment and staff was very great. We congratulate the exhibitors on the quality of the exhibits, which
exceeded our expectations, and we express our thanks for their complete co-operation, without which our task
would have been exceedingly difficult.
The exhibitors committee is particularly proud of the bright and colourful effect created by the exhibits
of the members and scientific societies. The hall was of ample proportions, and arranged so that delegates could
meet informally. I wish to pay special tribute to these exhibitors for their comprehensive and informative
exhibits which added much to the value of the Congress.
Finally, I express my appreciation to the Congress Director and fellow members of the organizing
committee who encouraged and inspired us throughout the years of preparation.