Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

July 26 1972, 15:45 
President Solaini called the meeting to order indicating that he had reported on much of the work of the 
Council at the plenary session of the Congress on July 24. He presented an agenda for the current meeting; 
no changes were offered. 
The President acknowledged that the “Motions of the General Assembly” of Lausanne had charged the 
present Council with numerous tasks (Archives, XIth Congress, Part 1, page 243), one of which, Motion 12, 
was a “Report of the Commission Appointed at the Lausanne Congress to Study the Possibilities of 
Establishing a Permanent File of Documents of the LS.P.”, which was read to the General Assembly by the 
Secretary-General. Acceptance of the Report was approved by the Assembly without opposition. 
Similarly, Motion 13 was a proposal by the Delegation of Brazil to introduce remote sensing into the 
programme of LS.P. President Solaini reported that this has been accomplished through the establishment of 
two special Working Groups, one in Commission I and another in Commission IV. 
Motion 14 of the previous Congress concerned the reorganization of the Technical Commissions; this subject 
is considered later here as Agenda Item 2. 
Motion 15 concerned a free circulation of cartographic materials (aerial photographs, etc.) between countries 
for scientific purposes. President Solaini explained that this was impossible because of rigid national 
regulations prohibiting such exchanges. 
Motion 16 recommended co-operation with F.LG. so that the Congresses of L.S.P. and F.1.G. would occur 
alternately two years apart. President Solaini reported that he had made special efforts to accomplish such an 
arrangement but had not been successful. 
Motion 17 pertained to the magazine Photogrammetria as the official organ of LS.P. This topic will be discussed 
in detail as Agenda Item 13; it concerns the financial plight of Photogrammetria. 
Motion 11 established a Financial Commission which is cited in the LS.P. Statutes Article 18 and the Bye-Laws 
Article 16; misunderstanding has risen with regard to their interpretation. This subject was deferred until 
Agenda Item 11. i 
President Solaini reported that he had invited nominations for the new LS.P. 1976 Congress location, the other 
new Council members, and the assignments of the Technical Commissions. These selections will be made at 
the next meeting of the General Assembly on Friday, July 28. In view of the fact that several of the nominations 
had been made at a late date, President Solaini requested the approval of the General Assembly to accept these 
late nominations: it was approved. 
President Solaini then read the names of the applications for the Council positions in the order that they were 
Prof. A. Reinhold (E. Germany) as Second Vice-President. 
Eng. J. Cruset (France) as Secretary-General. 
Prof. W. Hofmann (W. Germany), proposed by the Finnish 
Society of Photogrammetry, as Treasurer. 
Prof. T. Maruyasu (Japan) as a Council Member. 
Prof. A.J. van der Weele (Netherlands) as a Council Member. 
President Solaini pointed out the importance of a well-balanced Council from the standpoints of languages and 
political regions. 
President Solaini also called attention to the need for selecting members of the Financial Commission who 
must be of nationalities different from those on the Council. This completed the Report of the President. 

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