President Solaini advanced to Agenda Item 16 so that new Members would be permitted to vote. The
Secretary-General presented the credentials for membership of Ireland (Category 3) and Greece (Category 2),
and he recommended their approval. The General Assembly approved them unanimously.
First Vice-President Bachmann presented (Agenda Item 2) the report on the proposed reorganization of the
Technical Commissions. President Solaini asked for a vote of **yes"' or *no"' inasmuch as the proposal had
been corrected several times during the past three years. The vote was 26 to 2 in favour of acceptance.
Agenda Item 3. Secretary-General Tewinkel presented a brief report. LS.P. now consists of 58 members. Two
members asked that their categories be changed from 2 to 3: Czechoslovakia and Roumania. Mr. Tewinkel
recommended to President Solaini that the General Assembly approve the changes; approval was granted.
As Agenda Item 4, Congress Director Gamble reported on the progress of the Congress. The registration is
currently 1155 with a ladies registration of 449. One of the problems has been the distribution of papers as
a result of their late arrivals.
As Agenda Item 5, Treasurer Halonen presented his report. Briefly, he indicated a monetary balance of
35,470.70 S.F.
President Solaini introduced Agenda Item 6, the Financial Commission report, explaining that it will not be
possible to settle the problem today. Mr. Sven Móller was asked to present a resumé of the report - copies had
been distributed to all delegates at the beginning of the meeting.
At the end of the discussion, it was decided to reconsider the question on the next meeting of the General
The meeting was adjourned at 17:10.
At a delegates meeting the question was raised whether the documents which are of some value for the history
of the LS.P. should be collected or registered in such a way that they can always and at any time be consulted.
As a result of the discussion the president proposed to appoint a small commission with the task to study the
problem and to prepare a proposal and to present this for further consideration to the Board of the LS.P. The
commission consisted of three former presidents of the I.S.P.:
Dr. ing. h.c. H. Hàrry
Eng. Dr. A. Paes Clemente
Prof. Dr. h.c. ir. W. Schermerhorn
By means of correspondence the members came unanimously to the following conclusions:
1) Only those documents should be collected which are of value for the study of the history f LS.P. and
which so far have not been published in the International Archives of Photogrammetry.
2) Each outgoing council should, after selection according to the rules of point 1, transfer the valuable
documents produced during its period to a central office with two copies of a list, to be signed by the
sender and by the recipient.
3) The subdivision of the files can be made according to the circumstances of each period. The commission
proposes for the time being the following categories for documents not published in the Archives:
1) Records and documents about meetings of the Delegates and the General Assembly.
2) Correspondence regarding the system of the technical commissions.
3) Correspondence about finances.
4) Records of the meetings of the technical commissions regarding resolutions, etc., separately for
each of the commissions.