Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

5) Correspondence of Statutes Committee. 
6) Correspondence regarding Awards. 
Regarding the problem of a central office for the files of the LS.P., the commission advises to accept the offer 
of the Rector of the International Institute for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences (I.T.C.), Prof. ir. AJ. van der 
Weele, to establish in 1971 an LS.P--library in a special room of the new LT.C. building, where the LS.P. files 
can be housed. The head of the L T.C. Publications and Documention Division would be charged with the 
regular supervision of the files and handling all questions regarding this subject. The commission proposes to 
entrust the task of collecting material from former officials of the LS.P. to the same officer of the L T.C. He could 
start by sending to former members of the Board of the LS.P. a questionnaire with a description of the kind 
of material desired. 
In addition to the signature of the members of the commission the signature of Prof. van der Weele showed 
that he agreed with the acceptance of the task of the I.T.C. mentioned above. 
In the course of the General Assembly of LS.P., on 18th July 1968, a proposal of the French Society for 
Photogrammetry was approved, and it was decided to set up a Working Group which had to prepare the 
reform of the allocation of work and of the functioning of the Technical Commissions. 
The following persons were nominated for this Group: 
President: Mr. Walter K. BACHMANN Switzerland 
Members: Messrs. Jean CRUSET France 
Mariano CUNIETTI Italy 
Frederick J. DOYLE USA 
Ernst GOTTHARDT Federal Republic 
of Germany 
Robert VERLAINE Belgium 
The Group held a first meeting on 12th and 13th May 1969 and a second one on 19th and 20th May 1970. 
The project text that resulted was adopted by the Council of IS.P. at its meeting of 
4th and 5th August 1971 
and was sent, together with a memorandum, to all the National Member Organizations on 22nd November 
The project which you will have to debate today is the result of many, often very difficult discussions, and of 
wide consultations within our National Associations. The consultations have shown that the majority of our 
Members desire to maintain the present structure and number of the Technical Commissions. 
Under these conditions, the reform could only have as its objective a new definition of the fields of interest of 
the various Commissions. This definition is given in the proposed text which has been submitted to you. 
The Investigating Commission is of the opinion that this text - 
a)  regroups the various subject matters better than in the past, 
b) avoids confusion as much as possible, 
c) takes into account the future development of photogrammetry, and proposes that 
you approve the project. 

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