Full text: Records of the proceedings and supplements (Part 1)

Dr. T.J. Blachut - Programme Co-ordination 
Mr. R.E. Moore - Tours 
Mr. J.B. O'Neill - Liaison with the Canadian 
Institute of Surveying 
Mr. L.M. Sebert - Secretariat 
Mr. R.P. Shaw - Exhibits 
Mrs. Mary Thompson - Ladies Programme 
Dr. J.M. Zarzycki - Finance 
Mr. M.E.H. Young - Property Service 
Mr. J.I. Davidson - Advisor to Congress Director 
Mr. A.C. Tuttle - Advisor to Congress Director 
Obviously it would take too much of your time to give a comprehensive report on matters for which the 
Chairmen of the Committees are responsible. What may interest you is our registration to date, and, whereas 
we had a short while ago assumed that the registration would not exceed 1000 plus 350 family members, I am 
able to announce, as of yesterday morning, the number had reached 1117 and 449 family members. The Ladies 
Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mrs. Thompson, is almost like a small congress in itself. 
One of the problems we have encountered to date, and I know has been à bit troublesome to you, is the late 
arrival of technical papers. Authors do not seem to realize how much time it takes to send packages by surface 
mail, including the delays in Customs clearance. We regret this inconvenience but authors share the 
I would like to commend the exhibitors for their co-operation and support of this Congress. We are rightly 
proud of the fine exhibits of instruments as well as the scientific and technical equipment that grace our 
Although the Congress has barely started, I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the many ladies and 
gentlemen who have worked so hard to try to ensure its success. I also thank the Council and Members of 
national bodies who have entrusted us with the responsibility for the XIIth International Congress. 
S.G. Gamble, 
Congress Director. 
The past four-year period was the first in accordance with the new Statutes which recently became valid. The 
Congress is now completely under the economic management and responsibility of the organizing country. As 
a result, the assets at the Council's disposal and therefore of interest to the General Assembly consist of 
membership fees. Other possible assets would consist of donations, subsidies from international organizations 
and the like, had there been any during the period under review--but there were none. 
After the new Statutes entered into validity, membership fees are calculated according to a new method. 
Members are divided into payments categories according to the size of membership in the society they 
represent, but categories are not directly proportionate to the number of members. There are eight payments 
categories, and the fees range at the moment from 30 to 1.440 Swiss francs. 
Membership keeps changing constantly, and this affects the fees. There are also issues open to interpretation, 
unrelated with the ISP. It may be summarized that, on the basis of the current membership numbers, the total 
fees due annually amount roughly to 13.000 Sfr., in other words, a total of about 50.000 for the four-year 
After the Congress in Lausanne, the Society of Photogrammetry in Switzerland transferred to ISP, in round 
figures, Sfr. 8000 of funds accumulated according to the earlier Statutes. In the past four-year period 52.000 
worth of membership fees have been received. This sum is the same as the total due for payments of members. 
Members have been very punctual in remitting their fees. The worst difficulties in the collection of membership 
fees arise from the difficulties in communication. These difficulties can hardly ever be completely avoided in 

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