Tuipr ed
ompi led
Aerial triangulation is extensively used to improve the density of
existing geodetic triangulation networks in mountaineous areas. An
instrumental aerial triangulation method has been developed bas
wn methods. Block adjustment is executed by the method of least
The computations are catried out either via the computer of
the Nuclear Center (Democritus) using a program prepared for this
purpose or via desk caluulators.
2. Tonographic and Ca stral Service of the Ministry of Public Works
9 M DD WW)
(0.0. S, M. P. W, )
pm————— SEE (—
This Service is well equipped with all types of conventional surveying
instruments such as theodolites, tacheometers, levels etc. for photogrammetric
control surveys. oreover its photogrammetric branch possesses a gee
collection of photogrammetric instruments and machines among which there are:
— Zeiss Stereoplanigraphs C7
Zeiss Jena Ster a an POL
Wild Autographs A8, AT, & A6
Zeiss ene Stecometers for analytical aeroiriangulátion
Nistri Photomappers & & Kelsh plotter. These instruments
are used mostly for the on the job training of ihe operators.
A photocopy Camera
-.À Zeiss SEC V rectifier
In addition to the preceding instruments qT.C.S.M.P.W. possesses
cameras and a good deal of auxiliary equipment for the better and easier
execution of its work.
An IBM 11/30 computer which has been installed at the Ministry of
Public Works main offices serves for the solution of the pertiment photo-
grammetric and/or geodetic problems of the T.C.S. M. P.W.
This Service so far has compiled photog crammetrically maps at a scale
of 1:20,000 covering over 25% of the total area of the country : which amounts
to about 131,000 km . The main use of these maps is for feasibility studies
and engineering works. Also large scale maps and diagrams have been compiled
ome parts of Greece i.e, certain districts for the design of engineer-
covering S
ale of 1:5,000, and rural development studies for a number
ing works Rs a sca
of towns and villages at scales of 1:1000 and 1:500.