Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In 1965 Forestry Service was provided with a Kelsh Orthonhotoscope with 
all necessary accessories by the United Nations Develomment Programme, for 
the preparation oi (Ortho)photomaps. By this new orthophotomapping technique 
an area of about 10.000 km has been covered with (ortho) photomaps at a scale 
of 1:20,000, in Central Greece. 
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These maps, with the abundance of the details shown on a conventional 
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aerial photo, serve as a base map for the transier oi photointerpretation 
types as above. 
— À diapositive printer 
— À loge:tronic printer 
— À Folux Copy Camera 
— À Zeiss Stereotop 
— A SOM Stereoflex 
= À Zeiss Jena Stereopantometer 
— Two KEK Plotters 
— A Zeiss Secator for radial aerotriangulation 
—- Three Kail radial plotters 
— A Direct Viewer 
- Two Old Delft Scanning Stereoscopes 
- Several Mirror Stereoscopes with parallax bars, eic. 
3.2 The Topographic Service has recently started to apply photogrammetric 
techniques for rural cadastral surveys and reallotment of farming areas. 
The methods of Numerical and Instrumental Photogrammetry, as well as 
orthophotomapping, are used io this end. 
Its photogrammetric equipment includes the following instruments: 
— A Zeiss Jena Stereometrograph 
— A Zeiss Jena Coordimeter 
— A Zeiss Jena Orthophot 
Also two Wild Antographs AIO are expected to be delivered this year. 
A programme of intensive training in photogrammetry for the engineers 
ians of this Service is under way. Seven people have 
completed studies abroad (4 in Germany, 1 in U.S.A, 1 in Switzerland 
and 1 in the Netherlands) and iwe locally at the Technical University 
of Athens. Four more are going to Switzerland this Fall and one to the 

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