Full text: National reports (Part 2)

(c) Simultaneous linear Z-compensation. 
II. -(a) Testing the possibility of approximating 
the horizontal sense contradictions observed at the 
connection points between the lines, by means of a poly- 
nomet pair providing for higher degres conform trans- 
(b) Repetition of Ia and Ib. Display of the 
results on the spatial linear block compensation. 
III. - Simultaneous Z-compensation by modifying the 
horizontal co-ordinates;: 
IV. - Internal simultaneous horizontal compen- 
sation, idenpendent of the field of minor control points 
to a degree specified by the user; 
V. - Horizontal fitting of the whole block to the 
geodetic system, by means of a single high degree conform 
polynome pair. Display of the results. 
2. At a given tolerance the formulae expressing the 
extent of the error reveal the number of models required 
in the line section, by the spatial linear transformation 
of which the desired accuracy can be achieved. According 
to the experiences, this section should have a length of 
minimum two models, since the spatial linear transfor- 
mation of two suitably connected models will lead, in 
practice, to the accuracy of in-model densification. If 
the length of this section, readily fitted within the 
tolerance limitations even linearly, is known, it will 
be easy to determine the degree of transformation whereby 
the required precision can be ensured along the entire 
line to be compensated. The starting point is that the 
number of inflexion points along a curve of given degree 
cannot exceed a maximum, and that these points divide, 
in practice, the photogrammetric line into linearly 
transformed sections. On this basis the program can 
automatically manipulate the compensation degrees and, 
in the case of their modification, the revelant tole- 
rances as well. For the compensation of long lines 
unusually high degree polynomes are employed (up to the 
5th degree in practice). The uncertainty of such high 
degree transformations is eliminated by the program in 
three ways: 

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