Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In the universal method, planimetric evaluation is based 
on the 1:30000 negatives, then the low height flight 
models will rely upon the planimetry thus evaluated and, 
from these models, will be the relief evaluation per- 
formed. The datum level differences of these maps are 
2,5 and 1.0 m, respectively. The former make use of the 
1120000, while the latter the 1:15000 exposures. 
In the differentiated process a photo map is composed 
with one section per exposure, instead of planimetric 
evaluation. The photo maps of areas with a greater 
elevation difference are composed by the SEG-V instrument 
through transformation per zone. The number of zones may 
amount even to 20 or 30. Relief evaluation is similar to 
that of the universal method. 
The topographic expert classifies the photogrammetrically 
evaluated planimetry, and performs relief control 
At present, the 1:10000 phototopographic mapping of about 
70 per cent of the country’s total area is ready. 
Parallel to the 1:10000 photogrammetric resurvey project, 
the modification of earlier 1:10000 maps is also under 
progress by making use, naturally, of photogrammetric 
materials and methods. 
4.2 In Hungary, the 1:2880 survey of outskirts has 
been finished in the last centruy. Changes taken place in 
the meantime have been partly corrected, again by means 
of photogrammetric media. Where excessive changes occured, 
photogrammetric resurvey was performed at a 1:4000 scale. 
At present, modification or resurvey of the old cadast- 
ral maps of outskirts is ready for about 65 per cent of 
the country’s total area. 
4.5 In connection with the socialist reorganization 
of our agriculture, the development of rural communities 
and the reconstruction of vineyard and orchard estab- 
lishments have been thrust into prominence. In this 
context 1:2000 stereo-evaluation was performed during 
the entire period reported on, covering the built-in 
area of about 350 communities, amounting to a total of 
about 110.000 ha, In the years to come the rate of 
surveys is most likely to increase. Recently, parallel 
to the photogrammetric evaluation of planimetry, relief 
evaluation by photogrammetric techniques, too, was 

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