Full text: National reports (Part 2)

ently, or might be employed even as medium level managers. 
Training is mainly practical in nature to make the 
graduates adaptable for routine surveying operations after 
only a very short period of practice. Studies cover 6 
semesters, the composition of a thesis, and an official 
final examination. Graduates are granted a production 
engineer qualification and diploma. Education in photo- 
grammetry covers 4 semesters from the 5rd on, in a total 
of 150 classroom hours and the same amount of practical 
exercise. The latter is supplemented by several weeks 
of in-site work when, among others, the students learn 
about the photogrammetric methods of topography. The 
instrument supply of the school is satisfactory so, 
within the practical work, the students can use photo- 
theodolite, make measurements with the Zeiss stereo- 
comparator and stereomicrometer under a mirror gtereo- 
Scope, image transformation with the SEG-IV instrument 
and the LUZ pantograph, exercise orientation and 
measurement by using Zeiss stereoautograph, Wild A-4 and 
A-5 instruments, or a multiplex. 
6.5 The third level is the Faculty of Building and 
Construction Engineering in the Budapest Technical 
University, with a surveyor department. The precondi- 
tions of admittance are the same as those in the high- 
-grade surveyor technical school. Studies are aimed at 
the education of professionals possessing up-to-date 
theoretical knowledge and practical skill in the fields 
of geodesy, photogrammetry, and cartography, who are 
capable to accomplish duties related to the development 
and top management of these fields, and continue scien- 
tific research. Training is based on thorough fun- 
damental education in mathematics and the natural 
sciences, and favours theory against technological in- 
formation. Studies take 5 years divided in 10 semesters, 
but the last semester is used for the composition of a 
thesis, and preparations for the official final exami- 
nation. Graduates receive a surveyor engineering dip- 
loma. Photogrammetric education is mainly in the third 
year, through 120 classroom hours and the same amount 
of practical training. Previously, the students learn 
through a 40-classroom hour course under the title 
"Photogrammetric Chemistry" about the chemicals and 
processes of photography and map printing. In the oth 
and 8th semesters, within the courses "Topography" and 
"National Survey" (a total of about 80 classroom hours), 
they study applied photogrammetry for both small and 
large-scale mapping surveys. 

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