Full text: National reports (Part 2)

= 16 — 
Conforming to the theoretical character of the education 
here, the instrumentation of the Department of Photo- 
grammetry is somewhat poorer than that of the High-Grade 
Surveyor School, but it is still sufficient to make the 
students learn about image transformation, comparator 
measurements, and practical plotting methods, mainly by 
means of Zeiss instruments (stereocomparator, steco- 
meter, phototheodolite, stereopantometer, multiplex, and 
stereometrograph are all available). 
6.4 Post-graduate education of professional surveyors 
is carried on at each of the three training levels. In 
addition to scientific titles and degrees reserved for 
surveyor engineers, special post-graduate training in, 
for example, automation in geodesy should be mentioned, 
the greater part of which consists of high-level photo- 
grammetric (mainly analytical) education. 
6.5 In connection with the education of professional 
surveyors the number of students, t00, deserves mention: 
In the 4 surveyor high-schools a total of 100-120 
each year, 
in the High-Grade Surveyor Technical school 50 
annually, and 
in the Department of Surveying, Budapest 
Technical University, 25 
per year. 
6.6 As a conclusion, it should be remembered that 
photogrammetry is being taught, within the courses of 
geodesy and mine surveying, at the University of Forestry 
and Timber Industry, the Department of Mining Engineering 
in the University for the Heavy Industry then, as part of 
the education of geographic cartographers, at the Faculty 
of Natural Sciences, "Eötvös Lörand" University, where 
photointerpretation and its practical application repre- 
sent the central topics. 
7, Results of aerial photo interpretation between 
' 1968 and 1972 
The activity of the aerial photo interpretation working 
committee, established in 1965, has been considerably 

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