Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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variations, as well as in soll erosion surveys. Recently 
complex landscape analysis and development have become 
central topics, and aerial photo interpretation is used 
with similar success here. Complex landscape analysis 
includes studies on geomorphological phenomena, relief 
elements, particularly gradients and their exposure, 
associated microclimatic investigations, examination of 
the runoff system, soil erosion, groundwater conditions, 
and the analysis of cultivation, tillage, and land 
utilization. Research and prospecting employ for these 
purposes 1:10000 orthophoto maps, representing the most 
suitable basic material for both research and illustra- 
tion. Geomorphological engineering research has adapted 
the same map type with similar success. 
During the period reported on, the extensive application 
of aerial photographs was introduced in the field of soil 
sciences and land classification, within the activity of 
two institutions: the Agricultural Quality Control 
Institute and the Land Registration Department (plus its 
subinstitutes) of the Ministry of Agriculture. So far 
the methodology of 1:10000 soil mapping has been elabo- 
rated, which again makes use of aerial photo inter- 
pretation, and renders a basis for genetic and land 
classification mapping of a similar scale, as well as 
for scientific research. 
The preliminary soil map of a number of experimental 
areas has been completed by photo interpretation, in a 
much more detailed and accurate way than those produced 
earlier by in-site survey. These experimental areas had 
been selected to represent the different typical soil 
types of the Hungarian lowland and hilly regions alike. 
The Geographical Research Institute conducts experiments 
to employ aerial photo interpretation for land utili- 
zation purposes. Investigations include research on the 
history of land use, detailed analysis of the various 
land use forms, and the elaboration of proposals on 
the development of a cultivation structure much more 
rational than that adhered to so far. 
Research was investigating, first of all, the vineyard 
areas. In certain cases research results were illust- 
rated on maps, so the 1310000 orthophoto maps could be 
used again with much success. 

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