Full text: National reports (Part 2)

established the Surveying Enterprise Association of Japan in 1961 under the 
direction of the government offices concerned. They provide the services 
of some 30, 000 profesional engineers, surveyors and engineering geologists 
who are new engaged in overseas as well as domestic works. 
Tablel, Number of basic survey station's markers 
Station marker Number 
lst order | 949 
2nd order 5, 047 
Triangulation 3rd order 32, 661 
4th order 30,907 { 6 
Traverse 10, 405 
Fundamental 46 
lst order 15, 513 
2nd order 6,530 
3rd order 699 
lst order 98 
Magnetic survey 
2nd order 786 
Fundamental 5 
Gravimetric survey lst order 91 
2nd order 22, 788 

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