Full text: National reports (Part 2)

1al © 
that of other foreign countries. These surveying enterprise companies are 
required by the law to satisfy the certain difinite conditions and to enroll at 
The number of enrolled companies amounts to about 2, 700 in 1971. The 
number of technical employees of companies is as follows: 
Surveyors ------- 8, 117 
Assistant Surveyors ------ 21,585 
Among the technical employees, surveyors and assistant surveyors are required 
to have the legal qualification. The number of the enrolled as such surveyors 
amount to about 65,000 for the surveyors and about 75,000 for the assistant 
3. Number of Aeroplane and Equipment 
The number of aeroplanes and equipments for photogrammetry is shown in 
Table 3-l and. 3-2. 
Table 3-1 Number of Aeroplane 
Propeller Name Number 
(1) Aero Commander 10 
(2) Beechcraft 6 
Twin Type (3) De Havilland DH 104 DOVE 1 
(4) Dornier DO 28 (Stol ) 1 
(5) Cessna 2 
(1) Cessna 8 
Single Type (2) De Havilland DHC 1 
(3) Pilatus ( Stol) 

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