Full text: National reports (Part 2)

3-2-3 Comparator 
(1) Zeiss PSK E 
(2) Zeiss Jena Stecometer 8 
(3) Sokkisha Mono Comparator 2 
Pricking device KRP 7 
(4) Mann Comparator i 
(5) Wild Coordinate printer 20 
3-2-4 Rectifier and Orthophoto 
(1) Wild E-4 1 
(2) Zeiss SEG V 25 
(3) Zeiss Orthophoto GZ -1 2 
(4) Zeiss Storage Unit SG-1 10 
(5) Zeiss Reading Unit LG-1 2 
(6) Zeiss Jena Topocart with 
Orthophoto 2 
3-2-5 Terrestrial Photogrammetry 
© (1) Wild C-120 28 
(2) Zeiss SMK-120 15 
(3) Zeiss SMK-40 4 
(4) Asahi Pentax ST -120 127 
Camera (5) Asahi Pentax St-40 5 
| (6) Sokkisha SKB-120 72 
(7) Sokkisha KSK-100 2 
(8) Sokkisha MK-165 5 
(9) Sokkisha Balloon Camera 5 
(10) Nikon TS-120 20 
(1) Wild A40 Autograph 29 
Plotting Machine (2) Asahi Wild A40 Autograph| 10 
(3) Zeiss Terragraph 8 
(4) Sokkisha ST.65A 18 
(5) Nikon Plotter TR.2 6 
4. Covered Area and Mapped Area by Aerial Photos. 
The following Table shows the covered area by aerial photographs and the 
© area mapped by photogrammetry during the past four years which have been 
done by the Geographical Survey Institute. 

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