Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Table 4 
Photo-taking Works for National Basic Map done by 
G.S. I. 
M. year 
photoscale 1968 1969 1970 1971 
* 1/10, 000 653 knt 1,033 kn?| 731 knË 547 kn? 
1/20, 000 31, 516 31,181 31, 728 29,51 
1/40, 000 36, 015 26,329 34, 022 43,807 
Table 5 Mapped area by phtogrammetry for National Basic Map 
done by G.S.1. 
mappedscale 1968 1969 1970 1971 
1/25, 000 33,80 kn? | 33,394 kn | 30, 861kn? | 31, 794 kn 
1/5000 5,165 6, 616 5,238 4,858 
1/2,500 751 653 297 198 
The following shows the model number of aerial trinagulation and the over ed 
area with orthophoto done for the National Basic Map. 
Table 6 Model Number of Aerial Triangulation 
year 1968 1969 1970 1971 
model No. 3,698 3:832 3,283 3,287 
Table 7 Covered area with Orthophoto. 
year 1968 1969 1970 1971 
area 1,117km | 1,069knt | 1, 022knT | 471kn£ 
Table 8 shows the covered area by photogrammetry for the civil engineering 
works which was reported to G.S. I. by the law of surveying. 
= 8 = 

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