Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Table 8 Area covered by Photogrammetry for the Civil Engineering 
scal 1968 ^. 1969 1970 1971 
1/500 336.6 kn? 912.5-knf^|1.:249. 3 kn? | 2652.3 kn 
1/1000 1678.1 843.5 1441. 0 1537.9 
1/1500 — — c — 
1/2000 29.0 12.0 20.0 + 
1/2500 3607.8 7665.0 10356.2 12707.1 
1/3000 1923.8 1232.6 964.2 397.4 
1/5000 11661. 8 14071. 2 13100. 0 13887.1 
1/10000 6420.2 6142.8 19833.4 122310 
1/20000 766.0 708.0 1283.5 
As mentioned above, the Forestry Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture 
and Forestry have been in charge of photo-taking and mapping for the forestry 
area. The following table shows the covered area by aerial photos, mapped 
area by photogrammetry and the model number of aerial triangulation works. 
Table 9 Total Photogrammetric Works for the Forestry area. 
works 1968 1969 1970 1971 
photo-Taking 37, 539knt 36, 979 36,062 35, 309 
tion 6,25Imodel| 6,732 7,763 7, 240 
Mapping 13, 43km |] 14, 754 18, 069 17,454 
The photo-taking works are now carring out as the third year of the five year 
plan. The photo scale is 1:20, 000 and about 70% for the forest area was mapped 
at a scale of 1:5, 000, 
The aerial survey of the coastal area and sea area has been done mainly by 
the Hydrographic office using the RMKA 15/23 aerial camera from the Beechcraft 
aeroplane. During the past five years, Hydrographic office has done yearly the 

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