Full text: National reports (Part 2)

to - 
5. Photogrammetric Works in each Commis sion 
5-1 Commission I 
(1) Development of the Balloon system for photographing 
( Asia Air Survey Co. Ltd. ) 
( Nara National Research Inst. of Cultural Properties.) 
( Sokkisha Co. Ltd. ) 
(2) Development of Photo-Taking System from Artificial Aeroplane piloted by 
Remote Control system with Short Wave 
( Asia Air Survey Co. Ltd. ) 
(3) Development of the Shock absorber system for photographing from Helicopter 
( Kokusai Aerial Surveys Co. Ltd. ) 
( Toyo Koku Jigyo Co.Ltd.) 
5-2 Commission II 
During the past four years, the following are the instruments and the new 
devices developed in the field of Comm. II. 
(1) Kokusai Digicorder II for Plotter 
( Kakusai Aerial Co.Ltd .) Patent No.535104 in 1969 
(2) Kokusai Time Recorder for Aerial Camera 
( Kokusai Aerial Co. Ltd. ) 
Journal of the Japan Society of Photogrammetry 
( AbbnJ.S.P.) 1972, No. 2 
(3) Kokusai DTM System for Orthoprojector 
( Kokusai Aerial Surveys Co.Ltd.) 
Patent Pending in 1972 
(4) Nikon Plotter : New Topographic Plotter 
( Nippon Kogaku Optical Co. Ltd.) 
Journal of the J. S. P. 1969, No. 4 
(5) Nikon Plotter TR-2 ( Terrestrial Photogrammetric Plotting Inst.) 
Journal of the J. S. P. 1971, No.1 
(6) Nikon Stereo Camera T5120 
( Nippon Kogaku Optical Co. Ltd.) 
(7) Nikon Stereo Camera TS 20 
( Nippon Kogaku Opt. Co.Ltd.) Short-Range Photogrammetry. 

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