Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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5-5 Commission V |, 
The typical applications belonged to Comm. V are the precise measurement of s 
cultural properties with the short-range photogrammetry, the application to the 
medical purposes, the application by the technique of Moire Topography and the 
extensive application to the traffic accident sites, 
5-5-1 The Pracise Measurement of CulturalProperties. La 
The Nara National Research Institute of Cultural Properties has been practised 
to apply the photogrammetric methods to the research of various cultural monuments 
and relics, for the Buddhist statues and the architecture. The picture taken with the 
SMK 40 camera has been converted to drawing by the Japan Society of Photogrammetry 
and since 1967 funds for such drawings and research have been included in the budget 
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of the Nara National Research Institute. 
Recently, Balloon system for photo-taking using the specially designed hanging 
support frame of the stereo camera was completed and has been practised for the 
photographirg of the excavation site of monument. From these photographs, the 
method of constructing the photo maps of the monument has been systematized. tei 
The measurement of the deformation of the oldest wooden building such as the Todaiji Ja 
Temple has been done by the photographs taken from helicopter and now has been co 
continued at the constant time interval by the analytical photogrammetry. be 
5-5-2 Application to the medical purposes. 
The practice to apply the photogrammetric technique to the field of the medical 
purposes has been done since 1967 and many examples to measure the blood line in (0 
the brain, the kidney and the heart has been tried by using the method of X-Ray 
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