Full text: National reports (Part 2)

They were examined following the above fundamental principles in the second 
step and the second draft including 1, 724 terms was got in Oct. 1965. 
Any technical term should express only one definite conception and not be 
confused by applying to other meaning. So each terms should be defined 
strictly in advance, which requires a heavy works similar to the compilation of 
dictionary, but this definition works were indispensable for determination of terms. 
The definition of each terms was carried out as the third step, but it was very 
difficult to get a proper definition and reach the agreement among the members 
of the working group, especially for terms of rather modern technics or concep -- 
tion. Yet about 700 terms with their definitions were got as the third draft in 
Dec. 1967, and distributed among the photogrammetric engineers, scholars and 
organizations including related fields of technics and science, to be examined. 
Passing these final check the fourth and the last draft including 242 photogram- 
metric terms was completed in Dec. 1970. 
One of the difficulties was caused from the chinese characters, more than 
1, 700 of them are used in Japanese language which give great variety of expression. 
For example, there are two series of Japanese terms corresponding to air- 
photograph, one may be translated as 'aircraft photograph'' and the other is 
"air photograph", the former has the limited meaning that the career of the 
camera is limited only to aircraft, but the latter means all photographs taken 
from aircraft, balloon, artificial sattelite etc. 
Similar variations are experienced for other case such as aerotriangulation 
and aircraft triangulation, and other many cases, such a comparison with foreign 
languages may be worthwhile for further understanding as was the case in Japan. 
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