Full text: National reports (Part 2)

in September same year, being attended by many photo interpreters, were success- 
ful. As the results long wave length IR remote sensing have become one of the 
major topics in Japan related to thermal pollution and geothermal energydevelop- 
ment in Japan. Now airborne IR sensor with Hg Cd Te detector is under construc- 
tion by Fujitsu Co.Jnc. by the order of Asia Air Survey Co. Ltd. and the Hydro- 
graphic office of the Maritime Safety Agency of the Government will install this 
kind of sensor for the marine rescue purpose and the survey of sea states within 
this year. 
Within the Japan Society of Photogrammetry, the Committee of Remote Sensing 
has been organized and started its activities since this February. This Committee, 
being of non-fixed membership, have been working to get conmunications between 
various field of sciences as well as various field of sensor technology and data 
processing theory and instrument. 
5-7-2 Application to the land disaster 
The land disasters have occured very often in our country such as land slide, 
river-bed variation, erosion, transition of land collapses and the degradation. 
The aerial photographs of panchro, infrared and infrared-color are very effectively 
used to interprete and analize the cuase of the desasters mentioned above. 
Various kind of techniques were systematized for interpreting the dàsaster 
sites at the government office and the private enterprise concerned. 
5-7-3 Studies in the field of forestry 
The use of IR color in the field of forestry for the forest management and 
inventory has started in 1968 and the experiments to apply for the practical works 
"25 e 

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