Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Commission Boards 
Commission | 
Though no co-ordinated research has been carried out on the many aspects under the 
heading of Commission 1, a great deal of independent developmental work has been per- 
formed. In addition, existing equipment and techniques have been applied to the local 
mapping programmes. Experiences with such equipment and new developments will be re- 
Photogrammetric Cameras 
Wild cameras, RC5A, RC8, RC9 and RC10 are used almost exclusively in Australia 
for photography of black and white, colour and false colour infra red. 
Inaddition to standard film/filter combination experiments have been made by QASCO 
to use non-standard filters, e.g. green for the penetration of water with panchromatic 
Properties and Processing of Photographic Materials 
Kodak Plus X (2402), Double X (2405) are the predominant panchromatic films used. 
Natural colour Kodak Ektachrome MS 2448 and Infra-red Kodak Aerochrome 2443 have been 
used for special purposes. The Division of National Mapping has had disappointing re- 
sults with colour photography at high altitudes (25,000 feet) and have deferred all further 
photography at this altitude until investigations have been carried out. 
' QASCO is attempting to enhance, differentially, the response of individual layers of 
natural colour emulsions for remote sensing projects. No results have been reported. 
Although colour photography is taken by photogrammetric firms, colour diapositives 
are not always produced for plotting purposes. Black and white diapositives have been 
found adequate for normal mapping. Though colour diapositives undoubtedly improve inter- 
pretation, recognition of ground points and penetration through timber for contouring, there 
appears to be no metric advantage in the use of colour photography over black and white. 
Non-Photographic Sensors 
QASCO has employed a Daedalus Thermal Scanner operating in the wavelength range 
of 8 — 14 microns. The signal is transferred to magnetic tape within the aircraft and later 
converted to digital form. The imagery is primarily used in conjunction with mineral ex- 
ploration and ground water resources investigations. The scanner is carried in an Aero 
Commander or Grand Commander aircraft equipped with Doppler 72 for nocturnal navigation 
together with facilities for simultaneous aerial survey or multiband photography. 
Geometric Quality and Image Quality 
Generally the image quality of standard aerial photography has been found to be 
satisfactory for photogrammetric purposes. The Division of National Mapping tests the re- 
solution of contact and V/ild U4A diapositive printer photographs by resolution test targets. 
No attempts have been made in photogrammetric establishments to investigate Modulation 
Transfer Functions of the photogrammetric system. Preliminary investigations on the 
evaluation of target image qualities in terms of Modulation Transfer Functions have been 
made at the University of New South Wales. 
Some difficulty has been encountered by Mapmakers Pty.Ltd. with an apparent reflect- 
ion of the sun within a yellow filter, when a strong reflection of the sun occurs outside 
the cone of the camera. This reflection results in an oval fogging approximately 20 mm x 
12 mm on the photograph. 
For the infra-red scanned imagery, QASCO is developing means of reducing the image 
distortions and the investigations promise to linearise the errors up to a scan angle of 

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