Full text: National reports (Part 2)

and by a number of private concerns. The increase in the number of the latter over the last four years reflects © 
the heavier demand for photographs: 
Flight companies 
— Acimut. 
— Aerofoto. 
— Aeropost. 
— C. E. T. F. A. 
— Geofasa. 
— T. F. A. 
— Paisajes Espafioles. 
These companies have 18 planes and 18 modern aerial cameras. As they renew their equipment, they are 
lending greater importance to planes with wider ranges and higher ceilings, owing to the increasing demand for 
smali-scale photographs. 
Quantitatively, production of aerial photographs in hectares during the period in question was: 
1968-1972 7,300,000 17,350,000 
3. Photogrammetric instruments 
While tending to level off, the growth trend of the 1960-1964 period has continued, with respect to the number 
of analogical plotting instruments in service. The market is now reaching the saturation point for instruments 
of this kind, and it is expected that, in the future, new purchases of equipment will instead be made in the fields 
of orthophotography, automation, and analytical plotting and their accessory instruments. This trend is actually 
already in evidence. 
The growth in the number of instruments is shown in the following table: 
PERIOD 1960-1964 1964-1968 1968-1972 
No. of instruments 48 94 117 
4. Aerial triangulation 
Spanish small- and medium-scale cartography has undergone major transformation over the last four years. 
Work has begun on the replotting of the old topographical base, obtained by conventional topographical means 
over the course of many years, on a new base obtained by photogrammetry, which furnishes both up-to-date 
information and a true representation of the relief of the terrain, which has become indispensable, as these maps 
are being used as the basis for all thematic maps, most of which are being drafted by photographic interpretation. 
These circumstances have resulted in a considerable increase is small-scale plotting, involving a need for the 
establishment of control points. 
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