Full text: National reports (Part 2)

pictorial materials from RAK, which has & photographic laboratory 
equipped for these purposes. 
The aerial photography for the official mapping is performed in 
accordance with a general plan. The aim of the plan is to ensure 
that the latest available photographs are not more than 7 years 
old in the southern and central parts of the country and not 
more than 10 years old in the north-eastern areas. Only the 
north-western mountainous areas will not be photographed regu- 
larly. The aerial photography is performed in strips in a north- 
-south direction from 4,600 metres altitude, which with the 
cameras used gives a negative scale of 1:30,000. Only black and 
white film is used for this purpose. Photography according to 
this plan has been in progress since 1961. 
Aerial photography for special purposes (mainly large scale 
mapping, forestry mapping and photo interpretation purposes) is 
carried out from various altitudes, 400-10,000 metres, and with 
different types of film. 
During the latest four year period RAK has, for the aerial photo- 
graphy missions, normally had five aircraft per season at its 
disposal. The following types of aircraft have been used: Siebel 
NC 701 (up to 1970), Beecheraft D188, Beecheraft Queen Air B80 
and Aero Commander 680FL. The Siebel NC 701 aircraft were owned 
by RAK whereas all the other aircraft were hired from commercial 
companies. RAK, however, provided its own pilots, navigators, 
camera operators and cameras. For high altitude photography, 
mainly from 9,200 metres, RAK hired in 1969 a Pilatus Turbo 
Porter and in 1971 a Lear Jet 24 with pressurized cabin. For 
this reason when using the Lear Jet 24 the photography had to 
be performed through a camera port window.

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