Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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Aerial Cameras 
Wild RC5a, RC8 and RC10 aerial cameras with Aviogon and Univer- 
sal Aviogon, 15/23 X 25 cm, lens cones have been used. For 
colour and infrared colour photography only Universal Aviogon 
lens cones eith AV 2,2 sandwich filters have been used. 
For special purposes, mainly photo-interpretation, four Hassel- 
blad 500 EL cameras with a format of 70 x 70 mm have been used. 
These cameras can be mounted in a package with the shutters 
synchronized to take simultaneous photographs at different scales 
or with different film/filter combinations. 
The Swedish company AGA has developed an airborne thermal scan- 
ner, known as the AGA Thermal Mapper, with an indium antimonide 
detector which is sensitive to radiation in a wavelength band 
from 2.0 pm to 5.6 pme RAK has, in co-operation with AGA, par- 
ticipated in a programme to test this equipment. The equipment 
has also been used by RAK to carry out special investigations 
for various organizations. 
Photographic Material 
Black ond White Photography 
Kodak Double-X has become the most commonly used film for con- 
ventional survey photography. Kodak Plus-X has been used when 
the haze conditions would have given too low contrast using 
Double-X. Agfa Gevaert Aviphot Pan 56 PE was tested in 1971 and 
Seems to be a good complement to the films earlier used. All the 
films used are on estar base. 

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