Full text: National reports (Part 2)

o © 
Colour Photogrophy 
In 1968 colour photography had its break-through in Sweden and 
5,300 photographs in colour were registered compared with an 
annual average of about 300 during the five previous years. 
Kodak Ektachrome MS and EF were the film types used in 1968-1970. 
Both these film types were developed as negatives. Since 1971 
Kodak Aerocolor Negative Type 2445 has been used. All the colour 
films used are on estar base. About 20 % of the aerial photo- 
graphs taken during the latest four year period are on colour 
Infrared colour film has been used to a great extent for photo- 
-interpretation purposes. During 1968, 1969 and half of the 1970 
season, Kodak Ektachrome Infrared Aero Type 8445 (triacetate 
base) was used and the photo-interpreters were satisfied with 
the results. In 1970 Kodak stopped the manufacturing of this e e 
film and replaced it with a new infrared colour film, Kodak 
Aerochrome Infrared Type 2445 on estar base. This film seems to 
have a different colour character and a more restricted exposure 
latitude than the earlier type. For these reasons difficulties 
have been experienced in attaining a well balanced colour tuning 
which has caused problems for the photo-interpreters. About 5 % 
of the aerial photographs taken during the latest four year 
period are on infrared colour film. 
Diapositives for the stereo plotters are mainly made by contact 
printing on estar base film, 7 mils thick. 
Laboratory Equipment 
The automatization of the photographic laboratory activities 
which was started in the beginning of the nineteen-sixties has C © 
continued during the last four years.

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