Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The aerial film processing for black and white and negative co- 
lour film is earried out in automatie film proeessors. Infrared 
colour film is the only reversal colour film used and it has not 
been considered necessary to invest in an automatic processor 
for reversal colour film. RAK has however carried out experi- 
ments in processing the infrared colour film negatively in the 
automatic colour processor. The results seem to be promising and 
indicate that a change-over is possible. The experimental mate- 
rial has not yet been definitively evaluated and, therefore, it 
is too early to report on the final results. 
The automatic aerial film processors used are: the Kodak Versa- 
mat Model 11-C for black and white aerial film and the Hostert 
Automata No. E-ARI-101 for negative colour film. 
Also the diapositives in black and white and colour on estar 
base film are processed in the automatic film processors. 
Among other automatic equipment which has been taken into use in 
the photographic laboratory during the latest four year period 
the following may be mentioned: 
Two Iltronic 68 contact printers with an electro-mechanical ex- 
posure control and dodging system. These printers are constructed 
and built by à Swedish engineering firm, Iltronic. The first 
printer which was delivered in 1968, was built as & prototype 
for RAK. From the same firm has been ordered an enlarger and a 
contact printer, especially for black and white and colour dia- 
positives, with the same electro-mechanical exposure control and 
dodging system. 
A Homrich vertical enlarger with a condensor system, which gives 
an extremely good light distribution. The enlarger has been mo- 
dified by the firm lltronic and fitted with an automatic electro- 
-optical focusing system for four different optics and Fototimer 

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