Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Table 2. Aerial Photography and Laboratory Work to Order 
1968 1969 1970 197 1 
Aerial photography 
Negatives 1) 
black and white 5,948 8,296 6,565 10,000 
colour 55500 5,200 5,576 5,241 
Area km^ 14,411 50,800 26,650 200,000 ) 
Laboratory work 
Contact prints 
black and White 26,289 29,626 10,325 36,252 
colour 265 390 214 441 
black and white 20,893 25,068 26,623 17,811 
colour 74 48 66 27 
Rectifications 2,859 6,109 7,872 3,406 
black and white 7,795 7,194 8,550 7,955 
colour 2,665 2,018 2,060 2. 121 
1) 2,893 from 9,200 altitude 
2) 115,000 km? from 9,200 m altitude 
Research on image quality 
Studies at the Division of Photogrammetry at the Royal Institute 
of Technology in Stockholm, have to a great extent dealt with 
determination of the basic geometric quality of aerial cameras 
under operational conditions. Photographs taken over the Oland 
test field and test fields in Ceylon and in Mexico have been the 
base material used for partial calibration of aerial cameras. 
The results from the calibrations show a continuous improvement 
in the photographs taken with the modern cameras whereas the 
older cameras give photographs with considerable systematic 
errors and high standard errors of unit weight. 
During the last four year period RAK has continued research stu- 
dies concerning the determining of the image quality of aerial 
negatives using the MTF-method. For the studies painted test 

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