Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Research Institute (FOA) in 1960. Another thermal scanner con- 
structed in Sweden is the AGA Thermal Mapper. These instrumen ts 
have been used, for example, for studies of hydrology, plant 
vigor, microclimate and peat quality. 
In 1968 an instrument called Quantaspectrometer QSM 2400 was 
constructed at the University of Umeä for measurement of spectral 
reflectance within the visible region of the spectrum. À develop- 
ment of this equipment will allow measurements in four or five 
spectral bands in the visible and near infrared regions. 
Camera equipment consisting of four Hasselblad 500/EL cameras is 
used by the Geographical Survey Office of Sweden (RAK) for multi- 
spectral photography. Most of the photography is made on order 
by research organisations. 
Applications of Remote Sensing 
The Board of Environment Protection is making an extensive lake 
survey together with the University of Uppsala in order to de- 
termine algae and other water plants. Colour and infrared films 
are used. 
At the University of Stockholm, work is going on to differentiate 
between pine and spruce trees using aerial photography. A photo- 
graphic technique using small band filters is applied to deter- 
mine spectral signatures. Other work is directed toward aerial 
detection of reindeer pastures. 
Mapping of mires have been made by a research group from different 
organizations, using thermography and multispectral photography. 
Preliminary results show that infrared photography gives infor- 
mation about vegetation and the biological effects of drainage. 
Thermography is valuable for hydrological investigations. In 

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